Broad vs. Niched: Which Audience Should You Target… Really?

Why targeting interest groups or lookalike audiences are terrible ideas.

When you’re focusing on your campaign audiences, go as BROAD as you possibly can. Don’t niche down.

When you target down (interests or lookalikes) you encounter these issues:

1. You Pay A Higher Price

When you add an extra layer to your targeting options FB will add a fee to your bid.

To simply put – your CPM (cost per thousand impressions) are going to rise.

You’re basically saying, “Hey Facebook, I know exactly who I want. Can you do extra work to find them for me? I will pay extra.”

If you can afford the extra fee… great!

Personally, I’d prefer not to pay.

SO the broader you keep your audiences, the cheaper your CPM is going to be.

2. You Slow Down The Learning Process

Facebook is a machine learning platform.

And this platform relies on large amounts of data.

That means your ads can’t learn if you’re limiting it to a small audience, and paying extra to see the audience.

3. You’ll Reach The Audience Ceiling

Let’s say, after spending more money, for less data… you somehow managed to find a winner.

Well, how do you scale?

A common method is “duplicating the ad into another audience”

But here’s why that wont work…

The ad isn’t optimized for the new audience.

You can’t transfer the message-to-market match from one audience to another without having to redoing the ad.


When you are targeting an audience, go as Broad as possible. Niching down is a liability to growth.

I help entrepreneurs drive outcomes and high ROI. Our time tested process flows thorough the steps of Brand awareness, nurturing the relationship, conversion, loyalty and retention. Our services include: Growth strategy, FB advertising, Google PPC, CRO.

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